Playing Bingo Keeps You Young! - Digital Casino Online  



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Thursday 13 October 2011

Playing Bingo Keeps You Young!

It is not a new fact that playing bingo keeps the mind and body active, this has been scientifically researched. But with scientific research it is always easier to believe when you see actual evidence. The evidence that playing bingo keeps you young, comes up time and again and the elderly swear that this is exactly what playing bingo does!

The latest in a long line of elderly players, Lydia Clark, recently turned a magnificent 100 years young, and she recons it is the bingo, not worrying and a glass of sherry now and then, which keeps her active. She is still physically able and mentally sharp, and chases the bingo jackpot at her day centre, Woodside House, once a week.

A party was held for 50 of her closest friends to celebrate her remarkable birthday. Most of her friends are friends she made playing bingo at her local favourite club. She was also actively ballroom dancing well into her 90's and has only flown on a plane once in her life.

You would be surprised at how many stories we read like this and if you just stop to think that when World War II started, Mrs. Clarke was 29 years old, it certainly puts things in perspective. She met her husband when she was 18 years old and married him because she says he was "with it". He sadly passed away in 1977, so the longevity gene definitely seems to be hers alone. Perhaps he didn't play bingo?

Like many bingo players, it is the socialising aspect that keeps people playing and now that online bingo is as big as it is, a lot more players get a chance to enjoy this game. Even the elderly are becoming computer literate so they can play online, so bingo is also responsible for new skills development - it is a winner all round!

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